Auto Charging Robot | EV Charging Robot | Robotic Charging

*Offer top level industrial welding, pick and place, handling, cutting
robot arm and welding positioner, tracks and varies robotic solutions.
We’d like to share you with one of our robotic charging solutions for
electric bus. This charging robot can serve 20 bus one time. The robot
is mounted on a AGV platform to guide to different charging stations,
when the robot is in place the vision system can identify the exact
charging port and pick the charging head and plug in the bus.

We are EVS TECH based in China. We offer high quality industrial robots,
linear tracks and positioners globally. We make sure top reliable
quality, and good service.


Contact us for cooperation:


WeChat/WhatsApp/mobile:+86 18008057492

Auto Charging Robot, EV Charging Robot, Robotic Charging
, Welding robot manufacturers, Robotic welding machine, Robotic welding
cell, Robotic welding systems, Robotic welding arm, Robotic welding
training, Welding robot market, Welding positioner, Welding robot china,
industrial robot, 6 axis robot arm, scara robot, automatikus töltő
robot, автоматический зарядный робот, 자동 충전 로봇, Robot di ricarica
automatica, robot de carga automática, automaattinen latausrobotti
#AutoChargingRobot #EVChargingRobot #RoboticCharging
#Weldingrobotmanufacturers #Roboticweldingmachine #Roboticweldingcell #Roboticweldingsystems #Roboticweldingarm #Roboticweldingtraining #Weldingrobotmarket #Weldingpositioner #Weldingrobotchina #industrialrobot #6axisrobotarm #scararobot #automatikustöltőrobot #автоматическийзарядныйробот #자동충전로봇 #Robotdiricaricaautomatica #robotdecargaautomática #automaattinenlatausrobotti

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